Why Pay $10,000 For a Whole House Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System?

On the Importance of Septic Tank Service and Treatment

[ad_1] Companies producing and selling reverse osmosis units tout the systems abilities as the greatest innovation in filtration history and claim that no home can afford to be without one. As with other “snake oil salesmen” throughout history, the makers of reverse osmosis water filtration systems claims are grossly overstated. Reverse osmosis units simply do […]

Different Types of Materials Used To Make A Plumbing System

Different Types of Materials Used To Make A Plumbing System

[ad_1] The system of conveying fluids for different uses is known as plumbing. Apparatuses and fixtures like pipes, tanks, plumbing fixtures, and valves are used for passing on fluids. The general uses of plumbing include removal of waste, heating, and cooling (HVAC), and delivering portable water, but they have other uses too. Systems of Plumbing- […]

How to Restore and Increase the Life of Your Septic System

How to Restore and Increase the Life of Your Septic System

[ad_1] On Memorial Day weekend, 2002, we noticed a strong septic odor in the yard. I traced the odor down to the septic tank. After digging up the cover and removing it I soon discovered that the tank was completely full of wastewater. I frantically called in the experts including pumpers, system installer and soil […]