The Definition Of Asset Management

[ad_1] Many of you have probably heard the term “asset management” Before, but you may not have an idea of what it really is. Asset management is a broad term. It can be defined as a process that guides the gaining of assets, along with their use and disposal in order to make the most […]
Why Every Business Should Have a ‘Hazardous Waste Management Plan’

[ad_1] When it comes to waste management, having a disposal plan in place is imperative. Hazardous waste is heavily regulated, and thus cannot just be tossed out with your everyday trash. To know if you’re handling potentially dangerous waste, the first step is to assess its characteristics. When categorizing this type of waste, look out […]
Heavy Metal Toxicity – An Unsuspected Illness

[ad_1] Heavy metal toxicity is a growing concern and often an unknown root cause of a number of serious health issues. A heavy metal is defined as any metallic chemical element that has a high density and is toxic, or poisonous at lower concentrations. Many heavy metals naturally exist in our surrounding ecosystems, and are […]
Can You Be Green and Still Get Carpet Clean?

[ad_1] Green. Clean. Can these two goals be met in one floor cleaning company? The answer is yes, but you may have to ask some hard questions during your search for a service. Whether it’s a matter of ethics and care for the environment, or one of health because of asthma, allergies, chemical sensitivities — […]
What is Pollution?

[ad_1] Pollution is contamination by a chemical or other agent that renders part of the environment unfit for intended or desired use. These uses also and very importantly include all wildlife and ecological requirements to sustain life in all its natural forms. Pollution damages the Earth’s land, water and air. It results in contamination of […]
Is There a Health Effect of Drugs in Drinking Water?

[ad_1] Recent studies by the Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Geological Survey have found small amounts of pharmaceuticals in our drinking water. The drugs found in drinking water were measured in parts per billion or trillion. Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) make up a wide variety of chemical substances, including prescription, cosmetic, over-the-counter […]
On the Importance of Septic Tank Service and Treatment

[ad_1] Home and property ownership are a huge responsibility. From property taxes to the normal wear and tear of a home, homeowners and property owners alike learn to expect the unexpected. When it comes to owning a home, plumbing and septic tank service play a big part in home maintenance and upkeep. What is a […]
Building a Better BRIC-Trap

[ad_1] In a 2003 research paper Goldman Sachs argued that the combination of countries Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) has the economic potential to be larger than the G6 in US dollar terms by 2050. The countries are forecast to encompass over 40% of the world’s population and hold a combined GDP of nearly […]
How to Get Rid of and Identify 5 Common Types of Drain or Fruit Flies

[ad_1] This is an introduction to a series about 5 common types of drains flies. I will be adding more information on each one over the next month. First never assume that your problem started indoors. Proper identification is necessary in some situations. To identify them you will need to catch one on a piece […]
Infrastructure Planning for Townships

[ad_1] Comprehensive and well-coordinated Infrastructure planning is a prerequisite in developing a new town or housing estate and is carried out in tandem with the master town planning and well in advance of any physical developments. It serves to establish the full infrastructure requirements and guide their timely implementation thereby ensuring quality, efficiency and cost-effectiveness […]