Garbage Disposal Not Working? Here’s How To Fix It

[ad_1] A waste disposal is a great addition to any kitchen sink, and advantageous for both the home-owners and the environment. Garbage disposals discourage unhealthy bacteria growth and create a much better smelling kitchen by keeping old food out of your trash bin, and all it requires is simply running a little cold water and […]
What is Leachate? And Garbage Juice Explained

[ad_1] Leachate is the liquid produced when water percolates through any permeable material. Silage leachate is a form of leachate which is a serious environmental problem, however, when people refer to leachate they are usually talking about the contaminated water that is produced by water percolating through waste. Leachate is produced when water filters downward […]
Could We Power Our Cities With Garbage & Poop Power?

[ad_1] Landfills and sewage presently add massive amounts of pollution to the environment, despite brave attempts to contain the damage they render in landfills and sewage plants. In fact, the waste is being wasted! They almost completely untapped source of “Biogas ” that could help society meet it’s energy needs. What Is Biogas? […]