How to Keep the Environment Clean

On the Importance of Septic Tank Service and Treatment

[ad_1] The two aspects of our environment most invoked when we talk about keeping the environment clean are litter and water pollution. We will discuss both in this article. Litter Litter is ugly and it can harm people and wildlife. Picking up litter can be costly for cities and highway departments. Dog fouling in public […]

Can You Be Green and Still Get Carpet Clean?

On the Importance of Septic Tank Service and Treatment

[ad_1] Green. Clean. Can these two goals be met in one floor cleaning company? The answer is yes, but you may have to ask some hard questions during your search for a service. Whether it’s a matter of ethics and care for the environment, or one of health because of asthma, allergies, chemical sensitivities — […]

Clean Development Mechanism: A Mechanism To Combat Climate Change

Unconventional Wastewater Sand Filters And How To Build Them

[ad_1] As growing concerns and public awareness continued throughout the 1980’s, several United Nations General Assembly resolutions were adopted namely resolutions 44/228 of 22 December 1989, 43/53 of 6 December 1988, 44/207 of 22 December 1989, 45/212 of 21 December 1990 and 46/169 of 19 December 1991, urging for the protection of global climate for […]

Keeping Sewers Clean

Keeping Sewers Clean

[ad_1] Clean and efficient sewer systems are vital to a community’s residents and businesses alike. To most people the words clean and sewers are not usually associated together, however this is exactly what most utilities strive to achieve in keeping their complex sewage collection and treatment systems working efficiently. Normally wastewater is moved through a […]

Keep Your Kitchen Sink Clean

Keep Your Kitchen Sink Clean

[ad_1] Food Waste Disposer (FWD) is a machine, built into the waste tube of a Kitchen sink, that shreds unwanted food and flushes it away. FWD is an essential part of modern kitchen which is not only user friendly but it is also an environment friendly kitchen gadget. Wherever the kitchen garbage is kept to […]