What Are Various Industrial Chemicals and Their Uses

What Are Various Industrial Chemicals and Their Uses

[ad_1] Various types of industrial chemicals are manufactured by a large number of manufacturers for industrial applications. Today these chemicals are used for different purposes including the manufacture of explosives, different types of fuels used in engines, various types of dyes and paints, insulators, cosmetics, detergents and soaps. The chemical industry has grown rapidly in […]

Chemical in Wastewater – 2 Most Harmful Chemicals Found in Wastewater

Chemical in Wastewater - 2 Most Harmful Chemicals Found in Wastewater

[ad_1] Chemicals are difficult to eliminate during wastewater treatment. In this article I discuss two harmful chemicals found in wastewater that any treatment system must first seek to eliminate: 1. Nitrate: nitrates are widely distributed in soil, water and plants and are found in most foods and drinking waters. The excess nitrate in wastewater may […]