Human Waste As an Alternative Energy Source

[ad_1] With all of the news buzz these days around renewable energies such as solar and wind power, even harnessing the energy of ocean waves, one often neglected energy source is right under our noses, so to speak: human waste. It may not be as appealing or pleasant as the alternatives, but energy generation from […]
Lamella Clarifiers Are A Reliable Alternative To Traditional Clarifiers

[ad_1] Industrial sites have a variety of unique needs. Most of the equipment used on site is highly specialized to meet those requirements. In addition to backhoes and forklifts, many worksites will require equipment designed to remove solids from waste and process liquids. One such piece of equipment is the lamella clarifier. The lamella clarifier […]
Fish Farm Ponds With Aquaponics: A Sustainable Alternative to Aquaculture

[ad_1] Aquaculture is the breeding of marine animals in water. It can take place in natural water bodies such as ponds, lakes, marshland or brackish water and the ocean. It can also be conducted in man-made tanks, commonly found in fish hatcheries. Regardless of where it takes place, Aquaculture has an impact on the environment […]