
Large industries, factories and mills generate thousands of tons of waste every day. Some of this waste is so harmful that if it is let out it in the neighborhood area, it can lead to various illnesses and land and water contamination. It is easy to remove the solid waste but not as easy to remove chemical and biological contaminants from this waste, so that it can be sent into safe areas. This is done with the help of sewage treatment plants.

Working of sewage treatment plant

Though very simple, the working of a sewage treatment plant requires careful attention to detail and maintenance. Here we have explained the working of plant.

Sedimentation: The first process involves sedimentation of solid waste, so that only liquid matter floats on the top. This liquid matter is then separated from the solid waste with the help of clarification process or machines call clarifiers or clariflocculators. The basic principle behind this process is to remove the solid waste and leave behind only the liquid waste for the next part of treatment.

Aeration: The sewage or waste matter has very high BOD i.e. biological oxygen demand. This demand is fulfilled with the help of aerators. Aerators help in increasing oxygen content by rapidly mixing the waste with oxygen generated in aeration tanks. This leads to speedy treatment of sewage.

Disinfection: Depending on the waste, there are many processes that help in sewage treatment. But generally the last process in sewage treatment is disinfection. This process helps in disinfecting the sewage and removing toxicity so that it becomes fit for disposal in local water reservoirs.

Importance of sewage treatment plants

Drainage and sewage treatment has been a part of our culture since early civilizations. However, there are certain third world countries that don’t have such plants in the factories. In absence of such plants, it would be very difficult to keep the waste matter in control and manage diseases that arise from air and water pollution. Eventually we would not have any land or water body remaining that would be fit for human consumption and use. Thus, importance of sewage treatment plants can’t be duly emphasized.

Maintenance of sewage treatment plants

The first golden rule of keeping your these plants in good condition for factories or shades is to use energy-efficient and sturdy machinery. Some of the important machineries like aerators and clarifiers come in various types and at varying amounts. However it is advisable to use standard-quality machines; cheap quality aerators and clarifiers can lead to problems like improper deposition of solid sludge; build up of biological matter and filaments in aeration tanks and high utilization of energy.

Good quality equipment ensure:

However, no matter how good the equipment, you need to regularly call for service and maintenance of this equipment to make it last for long.

